122nd Annual Conference (San Francisco) – Nov. 20-23, 2025

The 122nd Annual PAMLA Conference

InterContinental San Francisco

888 Howard St.

San Francisco, California, 94103



NOTE: Do not reserve a room yet: PAMLA conference attendees who book through our PAMLA link will receive a large group discount, so stay tuned for our special conference rates.

The PAMLA 2025 Conference will be held at the elegant InterContinental San Francisco in San Francisco, California. The conference will begin on Thursday, November 20, and continue through November 23, 2025.

The 2025 PAMLA Conference is being held entirely in-person at the InterContinental. There will be no virtual or hybrid sessions or papers–the entire conference is being held in-person.

Our 2025 Conference Theme is “Palimpsests: Memory and Oblivion.” Note: special sessions proposals are welcome, both on and off this theme!

The Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), the west coast affiliate of the MLA, is a warm, welcoming, inclusive Humanities and Arts association dedicated to the creation, advancement, and diffusion of the aesthetic practices and knowledge of ancient & modern languages, literatures, cultures, and the arts. Approximately 800 to 1,000 faculty, students, writers, and interested independent scholars and members of the community attend our annual PAMLA conference, which offers scholars and writers the opportunity to share research and creative artistic works in a friendly, stimulating atmosphere.

PAMLA, founded as the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast in 1899, and the western affiliate of the Modern Language Association, is dedicated to the creation, advancement, and diffusion of the aesthetic practices and knowledge of ancient and modern languages, literatures, cultures, and the arts.

Please email Craig Svonkin if you have any questions about PAMLA or the PAMLA conference: [email protected].

PAMLA 2025 Dates and Deadlines

  • Special Session Deadline: April 15 (or sooner)
  • Paper Proposal Deadline: May 15
  • Paper Acceptance / Decline: May 25 (depending on submission date, deliberation could take longer)
  • Conference Registration with Early Bird Discount: January 30 – May 28
  • PAMLA Membership Payment Deadline: June 25 (presiding officers must pay earlier)
  • Regular Conference Registration: May 29 – July 20
  • Conference Registration with Minor Late Fee Added: July 21 – September 15
  • Conference Registration with Urgent Late Fee Added: September 16 – October 1

Note: PAMLA membership is due for presiding officers as soon as they are informed that their session has been approved, and conference fee is due, at the latest, by May 28, 2025.

After August 1, those who have not paid PAMLA Membership Dues will be removed from the program.

After September 15, those who have not paid PAMLA Conference Fee will be removed from the program.

Those who cancel after September 15 will not receive a full conference fee reimbursement.

PAMLA hosts the following General/Standing Sessions (So please make sure that your special session proposal does not merely replicate the topic of one of these existing General/Standing Sessions):

21st-Century Literature; Adaptation Studies; African American Literature; American Literature before 1865; American Literature 1865-1945; American Literature after 1945; Ancient-Modern Relations; Anime and Manga; Architecture and Space; Asian American Literature; Asian Film and Media; Asian Literature; Austrian Studies; Autobiography; Beyond Binaries; Bible and Literature; British Literature and Culture: To 1700; British Literature and Culture: Long Eighteenth Century; British Literature and Culture: Long Nineteenth Century; British Literature and Culture: 20th and 21st Century; Canadian Literature and Culture; Children’s Literature; Classics (Greek); Classics (Latin); Comics and Graphic Narratives; Comparative American Ethnic Literature; Comparative Literature; Comparative Media; Composition and Rhetoric; Creative Writing: Brief Prose; Creative Writing: Poetry; Crime and Mystery; Critical Theory; Cultural History; Digital Humanities & Creative Praxis; Digital Studies; Disability Studies; Disney Culture; Drama and Society; East-West Literary Relations; Family and Metafamily; Fantasy and the Fantastic; Feminisms; Film and Literature; Film Studies; Folklore and Mythology; Food Representation in the Spanish-Speaking World; Food Studies; French and Francophone Literature and Culture; Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Literature; Germanic Studies; Gothic; Hip Hop Aesthetics and Spoken Word Poetics; Horror and the Supernatural; Indigenous Literatures and Cultures; Italian; Italian Cinema; Italian Ecocriticism; Jewish Literature and Culture; Language, Culture, and Linguistics; Latin American Cinema; Latina/o Literature and Culture; Literature & the Other Arts; Literature and Religion; Medieval Literature; Middle English Literature, including Chaucer; New Italians; Oceanic Literatures and Cultures; Old English Literature, including Beowulf; Poetry and Poetics; Postcolonial Literature; Prison Studies; Religion in American Literature; Rhetorical Approaches to Literature; Rhetorical Theory; Romanticism; Science Fiction; Shakespeare and the Early Moderns; Spain, Portugal, and Latin America: Jewish Culture & Literature in Trans-Iberia; Spanish and Portuguese (Latin American); Spanish and Portuguese (Peninsular); Teaching with Media and Technology; Teaching Writing Across the Disciplines; Television Studies; Travel and Literature; Un camino difícil/A difficult Journey: Cultural Products about “(Il)legal” (Im)migration; Veterans Studies; Video Game Studies; Women in Literature; Young Adult Literature and Culture.

PAMLA 2025 Vaccination Policy

PAMLA expects its members to take care with their and their colleagues’ health. We expect participants to be fully vaccinated, so please get your Covid, flu, and other necessary vaccinations so as to protect yourself and others. Those who test positive for Covid must cancel their conference participation. Mask wearing is often a good idea, as well. Since we cannot predict when a pandemic might return, please get your vaccinations ahead of time. If you have any questions, please contact PAMLA Executive Director Craig Svonkin: 626-354-7526 or [email protected].

Join PAMLA Today

PAMLA could use your support! Please join PAMLA for the 2025 year, so as to receive our terrific journal, Pacific Coast Philology, and also, if you have a few extra dollars, please make a donation to support PAMLA during these difficult times. Go here to join or rejoin PAMLA (and, if you can, please make a donation to the PAMLA General Fund–we could use your help!).