UCLA Luskin: Driving Directions, Parking, and Other Info
The closest airport to UCLA is LAX.
Alternative ground transportation to/from LAX?
You can try to arrange for a Carpool for Lyft or Uber from LAX to the Luskin using our Whova app: https://whova.com/webapp/carpool/pamla_202211/dssdssss
In addition to traditional car services, taxis, and ride-share options, you may consider these alternatives:
- The most economical way to get to/from LAX is with Culver CityBus Line 6 or, when applicable, the faster Line 6 ‘Rapid.’ This works best if you’re going to the airport with no more than a small, lightweight carry-on bag or suitcase as there is no storage for luggage on board.
- Shuttle2LAX partners with major transportation companies to sell seats on shared ride shuttles that would otherwise be empty, saving passengers up to 80 percent off typical taxi fare. You will be on a shuttle with up to 9 passengers and make between one and four stops on the way to or from the airport.
- For more information about how to get from LAX to UCLA: https://transportation.ucla.edu/blog/how-get-lax-ucla
Driving and Parking Info for the Luskin
If you are driving to the UCLA Luskin Center, and need to park:
Parking: Day parking is available at UCLA’s Parking Structure 8, immediately adjacent to the Luskin, for $14 per day. Overnight parking is $28.
Parking in the Luskin’s underground parking garage is limited; $32 per day (with in-and-out privileges; or up to 10 hours with no in-and-out for $14).