Pacific Coast Philology invites submissions for a special issue: “City of God, City of Destruction,” the 2021 theme of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association’s annual conference. On the occasion of PAMLA’s sojourn in Las Vegas – that compendium of human cities and simulacrum of the eternal city – we invited inquiry on literatures of the human polis as such, and the beliefs, hopes, and doubts that inflect the forms of those expressions. For the special issue, we welcome polished versions of conference papers that responded to that theme, as well as longer article projects from which those papers may have been taken or into which those papers may grow. And we welcome new work on the topic, whether or not it was presented at the conference.
We will consider essays and creative works between approximately 2,000 and 8,000 words in length, with a deadline of April 18, 2022. In preparing manuscripts, all contributors should follow the MLA Style Manual. Submissions undergo a double-blind review. Please include your name, affiliation, and contact information only on the cover sheet; please do not include in the essay any reference identifying the author.
To submit a manuscript to the editorial office, please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
A full version of the conference theme may be found at
For more information about the special issue CFP, contact Martin Kevorkian at [email protected].