Submissions Closed for PAMLA 2014

The proposal submission form for most PAMLA 2014 sessions closed on May 16.  Over 40 topic areas extended their deadlines to May 31.  All Session Topics are now closed.

If you submitted a proposal, you should be hearing from the Presiding Officer by June 15 about the status of your proposal.

Late Proposals

If your paper was accepted for a session over email or in-person, it must be submitted online for inclusion in the conference the program.  This is also how we add presenters to our conference mailing list.  If you need to enter a late proposal, please do the following:

  1. Create an account on this website (if you don’t already have one).
  2. Send the following to the webmaster Heather Wozniak at [email protected]:
  • Name of the panel
  • Title of your paper
  • Abstract of 500 characters or less (about 50 words)
  • Whether you would like to use AV (via a laptop, coordinated by your session chair)

We will verify with the session’s Presiding Officer and then add the paper to our system.  Thank you for your cooperation.