CFP: Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference (Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, May 23-24, 2014)

We are pleased to invite panel and/or individual paper proposals for the 7th Oceanic Popular Culture Association Conference (Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, May 23-24, 2014).   All topics and proposals are welcome, particularly those treating cultural productions within and/or about the Oceanic region.
 Abstracts/Proposals for individual papers or 3-4 paper panels are due September 1, 2013. Direct abstracts and proposals to Cheryl Edelson
The Call for Papers is available on the OPCA Blog:

Possible topics for panels and individual papers include but are not limited to the following areas:

Oceanic/Pacific Culture and Literature
Japanese Popular Culture
Film Studies
Hawai‘i and the American West
Television Studies
African-American Studies
Poetry and Poetics
Children’s/Young Adult Popular Literature
Religion and Popular Culture
Philosophy and Popular Culture
Indigenous Literatures
Surf Culture