2017 PAMLA Conference
- November 16, 2016
- Posted by: Elijah Gartin
- Categories:
Please join us November 10– 12, 2017
For the 115th Annual PAMLA Conference
At Chaminade University of Honolulu
And the Ala Moana Hotel
Check pamla.org regularly for more details about the conference
Special Session proposals for 2017’s PAMLA Conference in Hawaii are due to PAMLA’s 2017 First Vice-President Katherine Kinney (University of California, Riverside), by January 3, 2017: katherine.kinney@ucr.edu
Call for PAMLA 2017 Conference Special Session Proposals: “The Sense of Sight: Visuality, Visibility, and Ways of Seeing” (Deadline January 3, 2017)
The theme for PAMLA 2016, the 115th Annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference, to be held on November 10-12, 2017 at Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, will be “The Sense of Sight: Visuality, Visibility, and Ways of Seeing.”
Proposals for special sessions are also welcome for other themes or topics not covered by one of our regular, standing sessions.
We would especially welcome proposals on topics related to this theme, ranging from proposed sessions focusing on such issues as: the connection of sight to understanding and knowledge; traditional and new models of vision and ways of seeing; open and hidden ideologies in visual images; the complexity of image culture in the (post)-modern, digital world; visual culture and shifting power relations; the iconic power of the image; visual memories; surveillance and visuality as a trap; voyeurism, secrets, and transparency; visualizations of existence; visions of the ugly, the beautiful, and the sublime; and other topics related to the sense of sight and vision in literature, film, and culture.
Please send your name, affiliation, email, proposed session title, brief abstract (50 words), and a longer (150-200 words) proposal for your proposed special session to PAMLA 1st Vice President, Katherine Kinney (UC Riverside) by January 3, 2017: Katherine.kinney@ucr.edu (please send this information as a Word attachment, to ensure that your formatting gets to Professor Kinney correctly.)
Special sessions are on more focused topics than PAMLA’s General Sessions. We will consider proposals on any relevant and appropriate topic, but are particularly interested in proposals connected to next year’s theme:The Sense of Sight: Visuality, Visibility, and Ways of Seeing.
Should your special session be approved, you will become the session’s presiding officer, and PAMLA members will have until early April to propose a paper for the session, using PAMLA’s online submission system.
Professor Kinney will be in touch with all proposers before the end of January concerning their proposals.