2010 PAMLA Newsletter Online

The 2010 PAMLA Newsletter is now posted online.  The direct link is:

Or a shorter link is:

For environmental and economic reasons, the PAMLA Board agreed to discontinue mailing a paper copy of the newsletter to our members, posting the Newsletter only online instead.  You can easily open the newsletter, download it, and print out a copy if you still wish to have a paper copy, but we will no longer be mailing our members a paper copy of the newsletter.  This change will save many trees and will also save PAMLA a significant amount of money each year, helping us to keep any dues increases to a minimum.

Do please take a look at the newsletter (we also have our 2008 and 2009 newsletters available online for your reading enjoyment).  It includes important news about PAMLA and our upcoming conference in Hawaii, exciting academic announcements from our members, a list of PAMLA Officers, a report of the 2009 PAMLA Executive Board Meeting, and a “brief,” abbreviated CFP list of all 100 approved sessions for the 2010 PAMLA Conference in Hawaii, plus the guidelines and procedures for PAMLA members and those wishing to propose a paper for the conference, and a list of guidelines and duties for session Presiding Officers.  You may take a look at the newsletter at: https://www.pamla.org/newsletters