AllAdvocacy & ResolutionsCommunityConferenceNews & EventsAll Advocacy & Resolutions Community Conference News & Events PAMLA 2025: An Academic HolidayWhat if your next academic conference felt more like a vacation? At PAMLA 2025, we’re bringing together the best of both worlds: an intellectually vibrant gathering in one of the most beautiful and culturally rich cities in the world—San Francisco. Join us November 20–23 at the sleek and modern InterContinental San Francisco, where PAMLA attendeesPAMLA 2025: Together Again!In these difficult and uncertain times, connection matters. As scholars, educators, students, and lifelong learners, many of us are feeling the weight of institutional upheaval, political instability, and the constant grind of academia in a world that often undervalues our work. That’s why PAMLA 2025 in San Francisco isn’t just another academic conference—it’s a momentPAMLA 2025 Special Sessions CFPThe 122nd annual PAMLA Conference will be held between November 20-23, 2025 at the InterContinental San Francisco in San Francisco, California. PAMLA welcomes special session proposals for the 2025 PAMLA conference in San Francisco, California on topics of scholarly interest that are not too close to the topics of our general (standing) sessions (see belowPAMLA 2025: San Francisco, November 20-23We are pleased to announce that the PAMLA 2025 Conference will be held at the elegant InterContinental San Francisco in San Francisco, California! The conference will begin on Thursday, November 20, and continue through November 23, 2025. The 2025 PAMLA Conference is being held entirely in-person at the InterContinental. There will be no virtual orPAMLA Well Wishes: Los Angeles Fires 2025As fires impact Los Angeles and its surrounding areas, our thoughts are with all of those affected (perhaps you or and your loved ones) during this challenging time. The resilience of California's academic and local communities has always been a beacon of strength, and we stand in solidarity with each of you navigating these difficultCFP for German Studies: Neue Zeitung für EinsiedlerNeue Zeitung für Einsiedler (Magazin der Internationalen Arnim-Gesellschaft), ed. Roswitha Burwick Arnim joined his friend Clemens Brentano in Heidelberg to edit Des Knaben Wunderhorn (1805, 1808) and initiate the short-lived Zeitung für Einsiedler to rediscover “Volkspoesie” through fairy tales, stories, anecdotes, poems, and songs. Published from April to August 1808, the Zeitung, an attempt atPAMLA 2024 Election ResultsWe are proud to announce the winners of the PAMLA 2024 Executive Committee Elections! Second Vice President Satoko Kakihara is Associate Professor of Japanese at California State University, Fullerton. Member-at-Large Positions Alicia Rico is Associate Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.Happy Birthday PAMLA! 125th AnniversaryAs we commemorate 125 years of promoting the study of literature, language, and culture, we invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone. Founded in 1899, PAMLA has fostered scholarly exchange and academic excellence across generations. To honor our rich history and ensure a vibrant future, we are launching a Matching Fund Drive. ThanksPAMLA 2024 Book ExhibitPlease visit our PAMLA Book Exhibit featuring Broadview Press, The Scholar's Choice, De Gruyter Brill, The Best Bookstore in Palm Springs, Toad Press & Veliz Books, and the PAMLA Book Exchange (donate a book & take a book). You can find the Book Exhibit at the Riviera Resort in Salon A. For more information onPAMLA 2024 Conference AdviceAdvice for PAMLA 2024 Conference Attendees/Presenters Including for Graduate Students and Those New to PAMLA 1. Enjoy EVERYTHING this year’s conference has to offer! We hope you can join us for as many events as possible: Thursday, November 7—Sunday, November 10 Book Exhibit: Please visit our PAMLA Book Exhibit featuring a variety of publishers, ThePAMLA 2024 Welcome Event & Keynote AddressPlease join PAMLA President Juan Delgado, Carolyn Horsman and Marilyn Chin for the PAMLA Conference Welcome & Keynote Address (Thur., Nov. 7, 11:30 am to 12:50 pm in Crosby Ballroom B). Carolyn Horsman, a board member of the Dorothy Ramon Learning Center (a non-profit dedicated to saving/sharing the native cultures of Southern California) will bePAMLA 2024 Film @NightPlease join writer, director Adam Graves on Thursday, November 7 from 6:50 to 7:50 pm in the Crosby Ballroom B for a screening and discussion of his short, award-winning fictional film ANUJA, the story of a bright 9-year-old girl who works with her older sister at a back-alley garment factory in Delhi, India. The filmPAMLA 2024 ForumPlease join us for our 2024 PAMLA Forum: Translation and Creativity, on Friday, November 8, starting at 11:45 am in Crosby Ballroom North. Our PAMLA Forum will be a moderated roundtable on various ways of approaching translation: from the art of literary translation, to the joys of adaptation, to creative understandings of text and image.PAMLA 2024 Southern California Museum EventsPlease join us at PAMLA 2024 for our three Southern California Museum sponsored events: Thursday, November 7 (5:10 - 6:35 pm, Crosby Ballroom B) - Setting, Story, and the Visual: Artists' Panel Discussion (Hosted by the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art) In this wide-ranging discussion, artists from desert cities will discuss the presence and shapePAMLA 2024 Caucus MeetingsPlease join us for our six PAMLA Caucus Meetings! These caucuses are designed to assist in the planning for new special sessions and events so as to strengthen and represent their areas at PAMLA’s annual conference. In service to this goal, approved caucuses will be allowed to host a special caucus meeting at the annualPAMLA 2024 Author Spotlight: Sholeh WolpéPlease join us on Friday, November 9 (3:10 - 4:35 pm) in Crosby Ballroom C for a performance by and conversation with Iranian-American poet, playwright, and librettist Sholeh Wolpé. Writer-In-Residence at UC Irvine and poetry editor at The Markaz Review, Wolpé's most recent book is Abacus of Loss: A Memoir in Verse. Her translations ofPAMLA Presents: A Creative Conversation with Seth LererPlease join us for a conversation with Seth Lerer, Distinguished Professor of Literature Emeritus at the University of California at San Diego, on Friday, November 8 at 3:10 in Crosby Ballroom B. Lerer has lectured and published widely on Medieval and Renaissance Literature, The History of the English Language, Children’s Literature, and literary and culturalPAMLA 2024 Presidential AddressPlease join us for the PAMLA Presidential Address, “The Stories We Retranslate,” on Friday, November 8, at 4:50 pm in Crosby Ballroom North. PAMLA President and Professor Emeritus Juan Delgado explores translation as seen in three community art projects. Delgado will discuss translation as a vital process for impacting local communities, focusing on translation andPAMLA 2024 ReceptionsPlease join us for our fabulous PAMLA Friday Night Grand Reception on November 8, immediately following the Presidential Address, at the Oasis Pool. Join us from 6 to 8 pm for delicious free hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, music by the Uli Geissendoerfer Trio, plus great conversation, camaraderie, and fun. Free to all PAMLA conferencePAMLA 2024 Undergraduate ForumPlease join us for the PAMLA 2024 Undergraduate Forum on Saturday, November 9 in Salon B at 10:00 - 11:30 am. The PAMLA Undergraduate Forum is a special session for undergraduates to develop and present their scholarship on a wide variety of humanities topics, including literature, languages, media, film, or culture. Come on out toPAMLA 2024 Plenary AddressPlease join us on Saturday, November 9, from 2:55-4:00 PM for our PAMLA Plenary Address at Crosby Ballroom A. Professor Johanna Drucker will address the complexity of book production—which can be understood as a process of mediation, a form of translation, or an instantiation— through a focus on her own artist’s books as well asPAMLA 2024 Días de Muertos CelebrationGet into the spirit of Días de Muertos (Days of the Dead) by joining us for two related events. First, come celebrate Días de Muertos (Days of the Dead) on Saturday, November 9, in Crosby Ballroom A, between 1:15 and 2:40 pm, by making your own calaca. Drop by for ten to thirty minutes orPAMLA 2024 Commemorating Marjorie PerloffPlease join us on Saturday, November 9, at 5:30 pm in Salon B for "Commemorating Marjorie Perloff," a tribute to the work and life of poetry scholar Marjorie Perloff. The session includes such important poetry experts as Susan McCabe, Steven Gould Axelrod, Aldon Lynn Nielsen, and Steven Minas. This commemorative session is an opportunity forPAMLA 2024 Graduate Student MixerAll graduate students are welcome to join us for the PAMLA Graduate Student Mixer on Saturday, November 9, from 8:15 until 10 pm, outside at the Taylor Garden (near the Riviera Conference Center). Come out and relax with us with some delicious snacks, opportunities for socializing, and music by Porkboii Jr.; take a breather fromPAMLA 2024 General Membership & BrunchPlease join us on Sunday, November 10, from 10:00 until 11:30 am in the Crosby Ballroom A for our PAMLA General Membership Meeting and complimentary Sunday brunch, including exciting announcements concerning the PAMLA Constitution changes, the sites of future PAMLA conferences, new officers, scholarship recipients, and PAMLA awards. At the Membership Meeting, we will alsoPAMLA 2024 Closing EventPlease join Juan Delgado and Xavier Cázares Cortéz for our PAMLA Closing Event, “La Poética del Lugar,” an art tour and conversation about art and place at The Elemental: A Contemporary Center for the Arts in Palm Springs (Sunday, November 10, from 1:30-3:15 pm, at 800 Vella Rd Unit #D, Palm Springs, CA 92264, aPAMLA 2024 Elections2024 PAMLA Election Nominee Statements Dear PAMLA members, The time has come for our annual PAMLA elections for new officers of our Executive Committee (to see our current PAMLA officers, go here: ; to read our PAMLA Constitution go here: ). If you are current with your PAMLA membership, in the next weekMargaritaville Name ChangeThe Margaritaville changed its name to the Riviera Resort, Palm Springs. Regardless of the name change, all reservations will be honored. The PAMLA 2024 Conference will be held at the lovely Riviera Resort in sunny Palm Springs, California, a favorite hangout of Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Cher, and other Hollywood and musical stars).PAMLA 2024 on WhovaPAMLA 2024 will be meeting again fully in-person in beautiful Palm Springs, California! However, we will still be offering our Whova app of the conference schedule for all of our participants. Get Whova Now If you'd like to use our Whova application to organize your conference experience, you will need to create a Whova accountPAMLA 2024 Auditors Welcome!From Thursday, November 7 through Sunday, November 10, the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) will be hosting its 121st annual conference! During this four-day retreat, located in California’s most vibrant desert community, approximately a thousand PAMLA members will be arriving at the beautiful Margaritaville Palm Springs Resort (Riviera Resort & Spa) for aPAMLA 2024 Schedule is Live!PAMLA is pleased to announce that our 2024 conference schedule is now live! You can explore the full schedule online; however, it is a tentative schedule (almost set in stone). While not mandatory, we also suggest that you go through a the list of special events so that you can a reservation at byPAMLA Constitution ChangesPAMLA's Executive Board and Constitution Committee has been working on proposed revisions to the PAMLA Constitution and Standard Operating Procedures. The board recently voted to approve proposed changes. PAMLA members will be voting on those proposed changes on Sunday, November 10, at 10 am, at the PAMLA conference at the Margaritaville Resort. That's when ourPAMLA 2024 StorePAMLA has some sweet new merchandise for the PAMLA 2024 conference in Palm Springs. But you need to order right away if you want your T-shirt or other merchandise to arrive before the conference. And when you buy one of these PAMLA shirts, a tiny portion of your purchase goes to the PAMLA scholarship fund.PAMLA 2024 Last Call: Ten Sessions Open to Proposals!PAMLA 2024 still has about 10 panels open for our PAMLA Last Call, Time Is Short, So Please Hurry Scurry summer paper proposal extension! If you know any students, colleagues or friends who might be interested in our last remaining sessions for people to apply to, please do send them over to! PAMLA 2024: Paula Svonkin Creative Arts AwardThe Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Award will be given to a PAMLA member participating in the 2024 PAMLA conference who has created a creative work connected to the conference theme of “Translation in Action”. The winning author or artist will present their work at the PAMLA 2024 Conference and will receive a modest honorarium. Additionally,PAMLA 2024 CFP Last Call DeadlinePAMLA has finalized a majority of our sessions after the extended deadline for paper proposals for our 121st annual PAMLA Conference, which as a reminder, will be held at the lovely Margaritaville Resort (soon to be renamed Riviera Resort & Spa) in sunny Palm Springs, California from Thursday, November 7 to Sunday, November 10, 2024.PAMLA 2024 CFP: Translation StudiesPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open translation studies sessions: The Translator at Work The Taboo of Translation? Multilingualism in the Italian Language Classroom Translation as an Art of Failure Translation, Power, and Cultural Identities Cross-Linguistic Translations between USA & Korea Lost in Translation: Teaching Italian Literature in English Teaching Translation: Challenges, Ideas, SolutionsPAMLA 2024 CFP: RoundtablesPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open roundtable sessions. As a reminder, you can submit to a roundtable session even if you are presenting on a traditional panel! Exploring Effective Language Teaching Pedagogies Prison Education: Voices from Inside and Out Student Engagement with Theory in the Classroom: A Roundtable Making Ways and Waves: RethinkingPAMLA 2024 Hotel: Margaritaville Resort Palm SpringsThe 2024 PAMLA Conference is being held at the lovely 4-star Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs (soon to be renamed Riviera Resort & Spa). The Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs is a tropical desert oasis in the heart of the Palm Springs Uptown Design District. The hotel has a classic retro Hollywood vibe, not surprising given thatPAMLA 2024 CFP: Children’s Lit and CulturePAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring Children's Literature and Culture including: Children's Literature Racism in Children's Literature The Wide Neglected Worlds of J.R.R Tolkien Disney Culture Muppet Culture Fantasy and the Fantastic The Last Call extended deadline is July 15th or when the sessions are filled. We have many more sessionsPAMLA 2024 Scholarships Are Live!Thanks to the generous donations of many PAMLA members and friends, PAMLA has four different scholarships or awards you may be eligible to apply for! You can apply for one of these awards via the site (click on the Scholarships tab, and follow the directions from there). Awards will be announced by the endPAMLA Advancement Officer/Treasurer SearchPAMLA is seeking applicants for the Advancement Officer/Treasurer Position. The PAMLA Advancement Officer/Treasurer oversees the fiscal affairs of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) and reports periodically to the membership and the Executive Committee on the financial state of PAMLA. The Advancement Officer/Treasurer attends PAMLA board meetings at least twice per year andIn Memoriam: George HaggertyWe are saddened to announce that George Haggerty, renowned scholar of eighteenth-century British literature, the gothic, and gender and sexuality studies, and a long-time supporter and member of PAMLA, passed away on June 30, 2023. George Haggerty was a prolific scholar whose work revolutionized eighteenth-century, Romantic, gothic, and queer studies. He recently retired as aPAMLA 2024 CFP: Spanish / PortuguesePAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring Spanish and Portuguese language, literature, film, and media including: Contemporary Latin American Feminist Activisms in Translation Food Representation in the Spanish-Speaking World La digitalización de los afectos en tiempos de poscrisis Latin American Cinema Laughter, Humor and Power in the Spanish Speaking World New TrendsPAMLA 2024 CFP: Composition, Rhetoric, and PedagogyPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring Composition, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy, including: Composition and Rhetoric Navigating Ethical Challenges in Generative Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering and the AI Revolution Rhetorical Theory Teaching Writing Across the Disciplines Translation as Translingual: Bridging Languages & Culture in Writing Programs Deans' Roundtable: Perspectives on the Arts andPAMLA 2024 CFP: FrenchPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring French language, literature, film, and media including: Agnès Varda French and Francophone Film and Media in the Classroom French and Francophone Literature and Culture Québécois Literature Bergson Contemporary French Filmmakers of Color SF/Speculative Fiction in French Translation in French Women in the French Film IndustryPAMLA 2024 CFP: Creative Writing, Editing, and PublishingPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring our creative writing and editing sessions, including: Creative Writing: Brief Prose The Writer's Blueprint: Essential Strategies for Successful Book Publishing De una Lengua a Otra: Multilingual Creative Writing in the USA PAMLA Poetry Salon Creative Writing: Brief Prose Writing Against a Singular Identity: A LatinxPAMLA 2024 CFP: Languages, Literatures, and CulturesPAMLA 2024 is pleased to highlight our open sessions within our Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures fields of study! While not an exhaustive list, we have highlighted a majority of our cornerstone PAMLA language and literature sessions (some new, some not so new) below, including: Asian Literature Austrian Studies Classics (Greek) Classics (Latin)PAMLA 2024: Spring CFP ReminderWe here at PAMLA want to wish all of our members a Happy Spring! We have made it through winter (at least, some of us have!), and we are now excited to prepare for our 121st annual PAMLA Conference at the lovely Margaritaville Resort (soon to be renamed Riviera Resort & Spa) in sunny PalmPacific Coast Philology Special Issues CFP (2024)We are pleased to announce our open call for article submissions for two of our special issues for Pacific Coast Philology. 1.) Call for Submissions to “Geographies of the Fantastic and the Quotidian”: Special Issue of Pacific Coast Philology For this special issue, we seek essays that engage the theme of “Geographies of the FantasticPAMLA 2024 in Palm SpringsThe 121st annual PAMLA conference will be held at the Margaritaville Palm Springs Resort (Riviera Resort & Spa) in Palm Springs, California between Wednesday afternoon, November 6 – Sunday, November 10, 2024 (the conference will open with a Wednesday afternoon welcome event, with sessions beginning on Thursday morning, November 7, and continuing through Sunday afternoon,How to Submit a Special SessionPAMLA welcomes special session proposals for the 2024 PAMLA conference in Palm Springs, California on topics of scholarly, literary, filmic, or cultural interest. The deadline for special session proposals (including for panels, creative events, workshops, poster sessions, etc.) is coming up at the end of March (but please try to propose your special session as soonPacific Coast Philology Co-Editor PostOpen Call: PAMLA’s Journal, Pacific Coast Philology Co-Editor Position Pacific Coast Philology, PAMLA’s journal, is currently looking for candidates for a General Co-Editor position. Please contact us by March 31 if you or someone you know wishes to be considered for this position. Candidates will be interviewed, considered, and then voted on by the fullPAMLA 2024: Happy New YearPAMLA 2024 is excited to wish all of our PAMLA community members a joyous and peaceful new year! We also would like to remind everyone that the 121st annual PAMLA conference will be held at the Margaritaville Palm Springs Resort in Palm Springs, California between Thursday morning, November 7 – Sunday, November 10, 2024. PleasePAMLA 2023 Election Results2023 PAMLA Election Results On behalf of the PAMLA Executive Board, the 2023 Nomination Committee, and PAMLA Executive Director Craig Svonkin, PAMLA is proud to announce the winners of this year's election: John Schwetman (University of Minnesota - Duluth) for Second Vice President, Sonia Barrios Tinoco (Seattle University) and Jessica Luck (California State University, SanPAMLA 2023: University Sponsors Attend for FreeFor our PAMLA 2023 Conference in Portland, OR (October 25-29 at the Hilton Portland Downtown), we are excited to offer free entry for all students, faculty, staff, and administrators from our five sponsoring universities: Reed College, Willamette University, Portland State University, the University of Portland, and the University of Washington. This is, however, assuming thatPAMLA 2023 Survival GuidePAMLA 2023 Conference Advice / Survival Guide Whova Users While the conference is fully in-person, we will still be offering our Whova app of the conference schedule for all of our participants. If you'd like to use our Whova application to organize your conference experience, you will need to create a Whova account to accessPAMLA 2023 Opening Event: Willie Little at PAMPlease join us for our PAMLA Opening Event, “Willie Little: Artful Memory,” on Thursday, October 26, from 9:40 to 10:45 am in the Hilton Portland Downtown’s Grand Ballroom I. Willie Little, a Black multimedia artist and author, will share his art and discuss his experiences as an author, storyteller, and artist creating work in Portland.PAMLA 2023 Book ExhibitPAMLA 2023 is pleased to feature our Book Exhibit in the Plaza Foyer of the Hilton Portland Downtown! Our exhibit hall is full of a variety of publishers and book sellers, including W.W. Norton, University of Hell Press, Broadview Press, PM Press, Verso, Haymarket, and our good friends at Mother Foucault's Bookshop in Portland, ourPAMLA 2023 Presents: Lisa Reznik’s “Left Bank”Please join us for a screening of Lisa Reznik's documentary, followed by a discussion with Reznik, the film's writer/director (Saturday, Oct. 28, 2:45 – 4:15 pm). Left Bank: The Women Who Rescued James Joyce's Ulysses investigates the largely unacknowledged role of pioneering women who helped shape and publish James Joyce’s brilliant, erotic, comic, difficult, ground-breakingPAMLA 2023 @ Mother Foucault’s BookshopPlease join us on Friday night, October 27, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, at Mother Foucault’s Bookshop (523 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR 97214, a brief Lyft or Uber ride from the Hilton), Portland’s answer to Shakespeare & Co., to hear the voices of five local poets and five poets from the PAMLA community. Co-hostsPAMLA 2023 Presidential AddressPlease join us for our annual Presidential Address, always a highlight of the PAMLA conference, on Friday, October 27 in Ballroom I at the Hilton Portland Downtown from 3:50–5 pm, followed by the PAMLA Reception. Dr. Yolanda Doub will be delivering an interdisciplinary address titled “The Act, and Art, of Shifting Perspectives.” What do Borges, FridaPAMLA 2023 Plenary AddressPlease join us for our annual PAMLA Plenary Address on Saturday, October 28, at the Hilton Portland Downtown, from 11:35 -12:45 pm. Internationally renowned Jorge Luis Borges scholar Professor Daniel Balderston will take us into the interdisciplinary, ever-referential world of Borges. In “Borges on Bertrand Russell,” his exploration of Borges’s lecture notes from 1954, withPAMLA 2023 Thursday LunchPlease join us for lunch and a panel discussion on B Corporations and corporate ethics (12:35 – 1:30 pm, Atrium Ballroom, paid reservation required). Can corporations in a capitalist economic system operate as a force for good? Join the owners of local, independent Portland companies Grand Central Bakery, Nossa Familia Coffee, and PixelSpoke in aPAMLA 2023: Auditor RatesBetween Oct 25 and Oct 29, the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) will be hosting its 120th annual conference! And within these short 25 days, about 1,000 or more PAMLA members will be arriving to Portland, OR, eagerly awaiting a fun, cultured, intellectual weekend in the tradition of the lyceum or chautauqua movements,PAMLA 2023 ForumOur PAMLA Forum this year will be a moderated roundtable on the topic of language and how it is understood within, and between, each of four disciplines represented: Linguistics, Math, Computer Science, and Music. Join us on Saturday, October 28 from 4:30 - 6:00 PM in Grand Ballroom I with PAMLA's President Yolanda Doub andPAMLA 2023 Direction & ParkingHilton Portland Downtown: Driving Directions, Parking, and Other Info The entire PAMLA 2023 Conference, except for a few events, will be at the Hilton Portland Downtown (921 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204): The closest airport to the Hilton Portland Downtown is PDX, Portland International Airport. Alternative ground transportation to/from PDX from/to the HiltonPAMLA 2023 on WhovaPAMLA 2023 will be meeting again fully in-person in beautiful downtown Portland, Oregon! However, we will still be offering our Whova app of the conference schedule for all of our participants. Get Whova Now If you'd like to use our Whova application to organize your conference experience, you will need to create a Whova accountPAMLA 2023 Conference Artwork: Michaela ProhovPAMLA is excited to share our PAMLA 2023 Conference Art commissioned from California artist Michaela Prohov, a piece entitled "Shifting Perspectives." We are happy to announce her artwork is featured on all sorts of products at our merch store, which also includes products with the donated artworks of Frank Quitely (PAMLA 2019), Nanette Hilton (PAMLAPAMLA 2023 Elections2023 PAMLA Election Nominee Statements September 18, 2023 Dear PAMLA members, The time has come for our annual PAMLA elections for new officers of our Executive Committee (to see our current PAMLA officers, go here: ; to read our PAMLA Constitution go here: ). If you are current with your PAMLA membership, inPAMLA 2023 Sunday BrunchPlease join us on Sunday, October 29, from 10:15 until 11:45 am in the Atrium Ballroom for our PAMLA General Membership Meeting and complimentary Sunday brunch, including exciting announcements concerning the sites of future PAMLA conferences, new officers, scholarship recipients, and PAMLA awards. Recent Posts PAMLA 2025: An Academic Holiday PAMLA 2025: Together Again! PAMLAPAMLA 2023: Auditors Welcome!Friends of PAMLA, welcome to our conference! If you’d like to attend our intellectual retreat where there will be much discussion of literature, media, and languages as well as writers’ talks, poetry readings, film screenings, and more, we invite you to join us October 25-29 at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland, Oregon for aPAMLA 2023 Presents: An Interview with Shawn LevyPAMLA 2023 is proud to present “Die Laughing: An Interview with Author Shawn Levy.” In this Saturday, October 28 interview with author Shawn Levy (from 2:45 to 4:15 pm), Levy and PAMLA 1st VP Juan Delgado will discuss Levy's books A Year in the Life of Death and The Original Queens of Stand-Up Comedy: InPAMLA 2023 Presents: Mary Beard Live in PortlandPAMLA 2023 would like to remind its classicists that as part of its Portland Arts & Lectures series, Literary Arts presents classicist and author Mary Beard (Cambridge University), on Thursday, October 26, from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm, at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 1037 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205, a five minute walk fromPAMLA 2023: Grad Student MixerAll graduate students are welcome to join us for the PAMLA Graduate Student Mixer on Thursday, October 26, from 8-10 pm, in Skyline I at the top of the Hilton Portland Downtown. Come out and relax with us with some delicious snacks; take a breather from the stresses of conference activity. Beverages will be availablePAMLA 2023 Presents: Portland Japanese Garden TourCome join us for the Portland Japanese Garden Tour! The Portland Japanese Garden in Washington Park (611 SW Kingston Ave, Portland, OR 97205, a brief Uber ride) is one of the finest examples of a traditional Japanese garden outside of Japan. Join Japanese Garden docents for a tour highlighting Japanese garden design. Please meet ProfessorPAMLA 2023 Presents: Contemporary Quebecois WritersPlease join us on Thursday evening, 7-8 pm, for a bilingual reading by two cutting edge contemporary Quebecois writers, poet Laurance Ouellet Tremblay and novelist Marie-Helene Larochelle, moderated by PAMLA Vice President and Professor of French at Old Dominion University, Peter Schulman. Both writers will read and discuss their work in French with English translations.PAMLA 2023 Last Minute ProposalPAMLA wants to remind everyone that with a handful of open sessions, we are pleased to announce our “Last Minute Proposals” period. Twenty sessions are seeking one good proposal! Do you want to present at the 2023 PAMLA Conference, but missed the initial deadline? Well, you are in luck! There are twenty conference sessions lookingPAMLA 2023 Presents: Van Tran NguyenPAMLA is pround to present "Van Tran Nguyen: Toward A Mutable Representation and Creative Praxis." This special event at the Hilton Portland Downtown (Saturday, Oct. 28, 2:45-4:15 pm) highlights the creative work of artist, scholar Van Tran Nguyen. Tran Nguyen’s of satiric work explores the Vietnamese diasporic identity and the roots of its construction. TranPAMLA 2023 Presents: The Bell AffairPlease join us on Thursday, Oct. 26, from 6:40-8:40 pm in Pavilion West, for a special screening of the historical documentary The Bell Affair, followed by a discussion with the film’s director, co-writer, and producer, Kwakiutl L. Dreher. Professor Dreher’s film follows the true story of Daniel and Mary Bell, an enslaved couple who initiatedPAMLA 2023 Schedule is Live!PAMLA is pleased to announce that our 2023 conference schedule is now live! You can explore the full schedule online; however, it is a tentative schedule (almost set in stone). Check out our Whova agenda, too! While not mandatory, we also suggest that you go through a the list of special events so that youPAMLA 2023 Presents: Three Northwest PoetsPAMLA 2023 is proud to present “This Presents a Problem”: Three Northwest Poets. Please join us at the Hilton Portland Downtown, in the Atrium Ballroom, on Saturday, October 28, from 2:45 to 4:15 pm, for a poetry reading and discussion by three brilliant, riveting poets, Rae Armantrout, John Beer, and Janice Lee. This event isPAMLA 2023: Hilton Downtown PortlandThe 2023 PAMLA Conference is being held at the lovely 3.5-star Hilton Portland Downtown hotel, in the heart of downtown Portland, and a very brief walk to the green, yellow, red, and blue MAX light rail lines. The Hilton Portland Downtown is less than one block from the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall and Pioneer CourthousePAMLA 2023 Welcome EventPAMLA 2023 is proud to announce our Welcome Event entitled "Adrià Martín-Mor: An Evening of Music and Translation" at the Hilton Portland Downtown, Wednesday, October 25, 7-8:30 pm!! All are welcome for this free event, which will also be serving light snacks. This hybrid academic/artistic special event features musician, translator, and professor Adrià Martín-Mor, asPAMLA 2023 Presents: “Murer: Anatomy of a Trial”PAMLA 2023 is proud to present a special screening of the award-winning film, Murer: Anatomy of a Trial (2018), followed by a discussion with its writer/director, Christian Frosch. The film follows the Austrian trial of Nazi officer and war criminal, Franz Murer, "the Butcher of Vilnius." Frosch depicts the attempts of Jewish Holocaust survivors toCFP: Pacific Coast Philology Symposium – Horror’s Human MonstersPacific Coast Philology Symposium: Horror’s Human Monsters This symposium for an upcoming issue of Pacific Coast Philology seeks essays that examine human monstrosity as depicted in horror fiction. Although horror is, as Xavier Aldana Reyes reminds us in Horror: A Literary History (2020), “[a]n eminently transmedial, transhistorical and marketable genre,” the issue’s focus on “entity-based” horror literature—those stories in which “monsters” (i.e., beingsPAMLA 2023 Last CallFor those who missed our Summer Sessions and Extended Deadline Period, don't fret: our PAMLA Last Call is live! During this first-come-first-served period, we are still seeking submissions to many open sessions at our CFP portal! The Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association 2023 Conference will be held in beautiful Portland, Oregon between Oct. 26-29PAMLA 2023 Scholarships Are Live!Thanks to the generous donations of many PAMLA members and friends, PAMLA has four different scholarships or awards you may be eligible to apply for! You can apply for one of these awards by July 31 via the site (click on the Scholarships tab, and follow the directions from there). Awards will be announcedPAMLA Summer Sessions Open!For those who missed our Extended Deadline Period, don't fret: our PAMLA Summer Sessions are now in session! During this first-come-first-served period, we are still seeking submissions to 100+ open sessions at our CFP portal! The Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association 2023 Conference will be held in beautiful Portland, Oregon between Oct. 26-29 atPAMLA 2023 CFP: Jewish Literature, Culture, and MediaPAMLA 2023 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring Jewish, culture, film, and media including: Bible and Literature Comparative American Ethnic Literature Jewish Literature and Culture Representing Contemporary Jewish Women in the 21st Century Spain, Portugal, and Latin America: Jewish Culture and Literature in Trans-Iberia The Holocaust in Literature, Film, and Media The deadlinePAMLA 2023 CFP: German Literature, Film, and CulturePAMLA 2023 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring German language, literature, film, and media including: Austrian Studies Freud’s 'The Ego and the Id' at One Hundred Germanic Studies Romanticism Transcultural Writing in German The deadline is June 30th or when the sessions are filled. We have many more sessions open at our CFPPAMLA 2023: Sessions Still Open!The Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association 2023 Conference will be held in beautiful Portland, Oregon between Oct. 26-29 at the Hilton Portland Downtown! So join us if you are keen on participating in more than 200+ magnificent sessions, or if you want to visit Portland on an intellectual vacation! We have of terrific selectionPAMLA 2023 CFP: Medieval Literature and CulturePAMLA 2023 is pleased to highlight our open sessions featuring medieval language, literature, and culture! While not an exhaustive list, we have highlighted a majority of our cornerstone sessions below: British Literature & Culture: To 1700 Medieval Literature Middle English, Including Chaucer Old English, Including Beowulf The deadline is June 30th or when the sessionsPAMLA 2023 Extended DeadlineAs of June 1, PAMLA 2023 is now entering the Extended Deadline period for sessions that do not have enough submissions to invite (three proposals minimum for a panel, and four proposals minimum for a seminar or roundtable--sessions with more proposals may also join the Extended Deadline list). The Extended Deadline period will take usPAMLA 2023 in Portland!PAMLA 2023 will be held in vibrant, exciting downtown Portland, at the lovely 3.5-star Hilton Portland Downtown hotel, just minutes from many restaurants, bars, shopping, museums, and attractions, and a brief walk to all MAX light rail lines. Portland is on Forbes’ list of Best Places to Travel in 2023: The Best Places To TravelPAMLA Undergraduate Forum 2023PAMLA isn’t just for professors, independent scholars, and graduate students! Do you want to encourage your students to invest in academia? Then recommend the PAMLA Undergraduate Forum! Do you know of a bright, serious undergraduate? If so, please tell them about the 2023 PAMLA Conference (Oct. 26-29, 2023), and recommend that they apply to theLisa Haugen: An Ode to PAMLAThanks to Lisa Haugen for this beautiful poem! Paradise is Here: an unruly epic ode to PAMLA 2022 CHORUS [a ventriloquist's puppet]: “First let us invoke some muses: Oh Dante, lend us your Beatrice; Yeats your Maud, Join us oh Dark Lady, and Tom Lefroy. We can't leave out the daughters of memory, all nine,PAMLA 2023: General CFPOur CFP List and Paper Proposal System is available! More approved sessions will be added over the next few weeks. Our initial paper proposal deadline is May 31, 2023. Recent Posts PAMLA 2025: An Academic Holiday PAMLA 2025: Together Again! PAMLA 2025 Special Sessions CFP PAMLA 2025: San Francisco, November 20-23 PAMLA Well Wishes: LosNew Book Announcement: Melanie A. MarottaPAMLA is pleased to announce the release of Melanie A. Marotta's new book, African American Adolescent Female Heroes: The Twenty-First-Century Young Adult Neo-Slave Narrative (University of Mississippi Press, 2023). Not only has Melanie been a long-serving and committed PAMLA member and presiding officer for years now, but she is also a lecturer in the DepartmentPAMLA 2023 Special Session CFP: Extended DeadlinePAMLA is extending our Special Session CFP to May 15! We welcome special session proposals at on the preceding topics related to the special theme, but also on other topics of broad interest (in other words, special session proposals will be entertained that do not connect to the conference theme, as well as proposalsCFP: Green Humanities 2023Green Humanities: A Journal of Ecological Thought and Literature, Philosophy & the Arts Volume 4: Call for Papers Eco-Justice: Impacts, Resistance and Remedies As Drew Costley has written recently: “Across America, people of color are exposed to more air pollution than whites from industry, vehicles, construction and many other sources, a new study has found”PAMLA 2023 MembershipPAMLA is pleased to usher in a New Year with our members and our broader community! Happy 2023! With a new year comes a new annual conference to attend, which will be held in Portland, OR between October 26-29! We also want to remind our community that General Membership for 2023 is now open. ToPAMLA 2023 & Special Session CFPThe 120th annual PAMLA Conference will be held between October 26-29, 2023 at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland, Oregon. The 2023 PAMLA Conference is being held entirely in-person. We won’t be having any virtual or hybrid sessions or papers. PAMLA, founded as the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast in 1899, and the westernPAMLA 2022 Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Award WinnersOn behalf of PAMLA and the 2022 Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Award Committee, we are very pleased to announce that we have two winners for the inaugural scholarship award, The Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Award: Clara Chin (University of California, Santa Barbara) and David Lloyd (Le Moyne College)! Clara Chin's short animation film "Scare Quotes"PAMLA @ MLA 2023 ConventionPAMLA will be at MLA 2023! If you are attending this year's MLA Conference in San Francisco, please try to join us for two sessions created by PAMLA: "Rethinking the Humanities Conference with the Regional MLAs," on Friday, January 6, at 3:30 pm in Moscone West-3009, which will feature leadership from PAMLA and our regionalPAMLA 2022 Election Results2022 PAMLA Election Results On behalf of the PAMLA Executive Board, the 2022 Nomination Committee, and the Executive Director Craig Svonkin, PAMLA is proud to announce the winners of this year's election: Peter Schulman (Old Dominion University) for Second Vice President, as well as Dawn Dietrich (Western Washington University) and Satoko Kakihara (California State University,PAMLA 2022 Book FairPlease join us in the Centennial AB room for our PAMLA book display, with a variety of publishers and book sellers, as well as space to sit and take a break from the conference sessions and events. Additionally, we will be hosting the PAMLA Book Fair, a used book sale from our PAMLA members. IfPAMLA 2022 Presidential AddressPAMLA is proud to announce our Presidential Address for Friday, November 11 at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center & Hotel from 5:10 - 6:30 PM. In his Presidential Address, “Two Midcentury Modernisms in Southern California,” PAMLA President Jeremiah B.C. Axelrod (Occidental College) will explore the relationship between high modernist and everyday vernacular visions of imaginedPAMLA 2022 Plenary Speaker: Harry Gamboa Jr.PAMLA 2022 Presents: Harry Gamboa Jr. PAMLA is proud to announce our Plenary Address speaker for Saturday, November 12 at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center & Hotel from 11:30 M to 12:45 PM in Centennial CD: Harry Gamboa Jr. In his Plenary Address, “Ephemeral Actions / Images vs. Unspaces / Unpeople,” Gamboa will explore how humanPAMLA 2022 Welcome Event: MASAUKOPAMLA 2022 is proud to announce our Welcome Event speaker for Thursday, November 10, in the Laureate Classroom in the UCLA Luskin Conference Center: Masauko Chipembere. In his presentation, “From Los Angeles to South Africa: Exile Stories and Freedom Songs,” Masauko uses music to connect with his ancestral traditions from Malawi while expanding on themPAMLA 2022 Keynote: Writing Los Angeles, Place and PastWe are excited to present our PAMLA 2022 Keynote: "Writing Los Angeles: Place and Past," on Friday, Nov 11 from 10:15- 11:45 AM in Centennial CD, featuring Los Angeles based writers Gary Phillips, Max Borenstein, and Rodney Barnes! These three LA-based writers will speak about their creative writing involving Los Angeles and its complex historyPAMLA 2022 Presents: Experimental Animation (A PAMLA Mini-Film Festival)Join us for one of PAMLA's newest and most anticipated conference events: "PAMLA Mini-Film Festival: Experimental Animation." This special event will take place on Sunday, November 13, from 4:15 - 5:45 PM, in Laureate Classroom at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center! The PAMLA Mini-Film Festival is free and open to the public, so feel freePAMLA 2022 Survival GuidePAMLA 2022 Conference Advice / Survival Guide Whova Users While last year's PAMLA conference was partially online, this year we are fully in-person! However, we will be offering our Whova app of the conference schedule for all of our participants. If you'd like to use our Whova application to organize your conference experience, you willPAMLA 2022 Conference Artwork – Faye KwanPAMLA is excited to share our PAMLA 2022 Conference Art commissioned from California artist Faye Kwan, a piece entitled "The Library of Los Angeles." We are happy to announce her artwork is featured on our merch store, which also includes the donated artworks of Frank Quitely (PAMLA 2019) and Nanette Hilton (PAMLA 2021) from ourPAMLA 2022 Friends of PAMLA: Free AdmissionPAMLA is proud to announce that students and faculty of our host universities, UCLA, USC, California State University-Los Angeles, and Occidental College, are invited to attend our PAMLA 2022 Conference (Thursday evening, November 10- Sunday evening, November 13) for free, as long as they aren't on the conference program/schedule. Receiving free admission to this year’sPAMLA 2022 Presents: Saturday Night Poetry ReadingJoin us for one of PAMLA's most iconic annual conference events: "Creative Writing: Poetry (Saturday Night Readings)." This special event will take place on Saturday, November 12, from 8:30 - 10:00 PM, in Laureate Classroom at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center! Our Saturday Night reading will include a wide variety of poems in a widePAMLA 2022 Presents: Puppet/Machine Live PerformanceJoin us for one of PAMLA's best live conference events: "Puppet ==> Machine: A Live Performance." This special live event will take place on Saturday, November 12, from 7:30 - 9:30 PM, in Centennial CD at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center! This session will feature puppet performances, discussions, and meditations on the new intentions, possibilities,PAMLA 2022 Presents: “Butterflies in the Rain”Please join us for one of PAMLA's marquee conference events: "Butterflies in the Rain: The Tragic, Untold Story of Hollywood Starlet, Regina Doyle." This special event will take place on Friday, November 11, from 8:30 - 10:00 PM, in the Laureate Classroom at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center! See footage from and meet the makersPAMLA 2022 AuditorsFriends of PAMLA, are you considering coming to attend our conference, but are not interested in presenting or chairing? Do you have a family member or friend that you want to invite to the conference to share in all of the intellectual fervor and festivities? Well, we have a surefire deal for you. We arePAMLA 2022 Elections2022 PAMLA Election Nominee Statements October 6, 2022 Dear PAMLA members, The time has come for our annual PAMLA elections for new officers of our Executive Committee. If you are current with your PAMLA membership, in the next few days you will receive an emailed ballot link to vote for new officers. Your PAMLA ExecutiveCFP: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) 2023 Conference on “Reclaiming the Commons”CFP for Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) 2023 Conference on "Reclaiming the Commons" PAMLA is proud to announce that our friends at The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) has announced its next biennial conference on July 9-12, 2023 in Portland, Oregon, on the theme of “Reclaiming thePAMLA 2022 General Membership MeetingPlease join us for our annual PAMLA General Membership Meeting on Sunday, Nov 13, from 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM. Our general membership will include announcements concerning new officers, scholarship recipients, and PAMLA awards, including the Graduate Student Scholarship, the Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Award, the Margaret H. Sedenquist International Scholarship, and the German StudiesPAMLA 2022 ForumWe are proud to present our PAMLA 2022 Forum, entitled "City of Refuge: Exile, Dispossession, and Cultural Renaissance," on Saturday, Nov 12 from 4:45- 6:15 PM in Centennial CD, featuring Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson (Independent Historian), Benno Herz (Thomas Mann House Los Angeles), and Jan Lin (Occidental College)! Alison Rose Jefferson, "Commemorative Justice, Heritage Conservation,PAMLA 2022 Conference Reception(s)PAMLA is pleased to be hosting two fabulous receptions throughout the conference weekend at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center! Both receptions, like our snacks and breakfasts, are free to all PAMLA conference attendees, so please join us and bring a friend for a snack and a chat. PAMLA Friday Night Reception (Centennial Terrace) We willPAMLA 2022 Breakfast SchedulePAMLA 2022 is almost here, and we want to remind all of our members to fuel up at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center Continental Lobby each morning of the conference! We will be serving fresh coffee, hot tea, and a light continental breakfast with many diverse options for all of members! And hey, if you'rePAMLA 2022 Accommodations UpdatePAMLA 2022 is coming up soon, and while it looks like the UCLA Luskin Hotel, the site of the conference, and our overflow hotels, the UCLA Guest House, Kimpton Hotel Palomar Beverly Hills, and Hotel Angeleno Los Angeles, may be mostly sold out, it doesn't hurt to call them to see if you still needPAMLA Events Presents: The Writing and Legacy of Jules VernePAMLevents is proud to announce an upcoming event hosted through One Day University: Peter Schulman (Old Dominion University) "From the Earth to the Moon and Beyond: The Writing and Legacy of Jules Verne." Dr. Schulman will be presenting on Jules Verne. Long considered “The Father of Science Fiction,” Jules Verne has astounded many with hisPAMLA Presents: The Pacific Coast Philology Outstanding Article Award for 2021On behalf of PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Award Committee, we are pleased to announce an embarrassment of riches for PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Outstanding Article Award for 2021. We have selected two first-place co-winners: Steven Gould Axelrod’s “Ginsberg’s Brinkmanship” (Volume 55, Issue 2, 2020, edited by Roswitha Burwick and Richard Sperber), alongside Stanley Orr’s “Taft’sPAMLA 2022: Last Call in LA!Announcing our final extension for paper proposal submissions to the 119th annual PAMLA conference, which will take place at the UCLA Luskin Hotel and Conference Center in Los Angeles, California between November 11-13, 2022! What is PAMLA 2022 Last Call in LA? PAMLA 2022 Last Call in LA hopes to encourage those who have notPAMLA 2022 Scholarships Are Live!Thanks to the generous donations of many PAMLA members and friends, PAMLA has four different scholarships or awards you may be eligible to apply for! You can apply for one of these awards by July 31 via the site (click on the Scholarships tab, and follow the directions from there). Awards will be announcedMargaret H. Sedenquist International Scholarship FundWhat is the Margaret H. Sedenquist International Scholarship Fund? The Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), a non-profit American humanities association established in 1903 and the Pacific coast affiliate of the Modern Language Association, is proud to announce the establishment of the Margaret H. Sedenquist International Scholarship Fund. The Margaret H. Sedenquist Fund willPaula Svonkin Creative Arts AwardWhat is the Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Fund? The Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), a non-profit humanities association established in 1903 as the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, and the westernmost affiliate of the Modern Language Association (MLA), is proud to announce the establishment of the Paula Svonkin Creative Arts Fund. ItPayPal Donations Are Live!PAMLA is excited to announce that we have updated our donation methods for 2022 and beyond! While we still love for our members and friends to donate via our conference registration portal at via the Donations button (you will need to log in--or create an account first), or by mailing a check to PAMLAPAMLA 2022: Our Beloved Medieval Community!PAMLA 2022 wants to remind all of our current or prospective scholars in medieval and renaissance studies that we have four standing sessions still seeking proposals: British Literature and Culture: To 1700 Medieval Literature Middle English Literature, Including Chaucer Old English Literature, Including Beowulf For those interested, please do offer a proposal to our medievalPAMLA 2022: Extended Deadline for ProposalsPAMLA 2022 Conference Los Angeles: November 11-13, 2022 We want to remind all of our members, new or returning, that our First-Come-First-Served Extended Deadline period is now in effect for more than 100 open sessions seeking to fill up by July 10 (sessions will close when filled). All sessions are in-person, and will be heldPAMLA 2022: The Perfect Conference HolidayPAMLA 2022 Conference Los Angeles: November 11-13, 2022 Are you looking for a reason to join us in beautiful Los Angeles, California this November? Well, we've got you covered! Enjoy the comforts of the Luskin, the excitement and diversity of 200+ panels, our excellent PAMLA community, and of course, all of the relaxing and interestingPAMLA 2022: Live in Los Angeles!PAMLA 2022 Conference Los Angeles: November 11-13, 2022 At the beautiful UCLA Luskin Hotel and Conference Center right in the heart of LA! UPDATE: Please check out our CFP list with over 100 approved sessions you can still propose a paper to during our Extended Deadline Period (until sessions fill, or July 10, whichever comesPAMLA 2022 Hotel Reservations Are Open!PAMLA 2022 is proud to announce that room reservations at UCLA's Luskin Conference Center and Hotel are now open! Book quickly while you can: our rooms are filling up fast! To learn more about the Luskin Hotel on the UCLA campus in the heart of Los Angeles, you can visit our accommodations page, which includesPAMLA Auxiliary CouncilWhat is PAMLA's Auxiliary Council? The new PAMLA Auxiliary Council, open to all PAMLA members in good standing, will supplement the PAMLA Executive Committee, making for a second tier of PAMLA support and insight without expanding the board itself. While the Auxiliary Council will have no official voting power, it will serve important functions suchPAMLA Presents: The Sinclair Lewis Society Conference (Summer 2022)PAMLA is excited to announce that our friends over at The Sinclair Lewis Society Conference are sponsoring a virtual conference this summer to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Main Street in 2020 and Babbitt in 2022. The keynote speaker will be James Gambone, co-director and producer of The Life and Loves ofPAMLA 2022 CFP: Paper Proposals Due May 15!PAMLA 2022 is excited to announce that the deadline for paper proposal submissions is May 15 for the 119th annual PAMLA Conference at the beautiful UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel in Los Angeles, California! Visit our conference portal CFP page and begin to search for a session that interests you! Once you've done so,PAMLA 2022 Special Session Proposal: Extended DeadlinePAMLA would like to announce that we have extended the deadline for our 2022 Call for Special Sessions: now to April 15! We would like another ten strong special sessions for this terrific conference (November 11-13, 2022 at the lovely UCLA Luskin Hotel and Conference Center). So, please consider proposing a session and spreading theIn Memoriam: Fred BurwickFred Burwick was a loving grandfather, husband, and father, a talented author, a distinguished and lauded scholar, and a kind and generous mentor to generations of young scholars. Fred died one day before his 86th birthday in Pomona, California, on March 16, 2022. He is survived by his wife, Roswitha; sons Georg, Christopher, and Francis;Call for Chapters: Clio Reflects. XXI Historical Fiction by Women and on WomenCall for Chapters: Clio Reflects. XXI Historical Fiction by Women and on Women (Tentatively by Bloomsbury) In many literary genres as well as other modes of expression, such as cinematography, performing arts, and games, explorations of past women’s lives have become increasingly popular and evolved into a body of intellectual, psychological, and social experimentation.CFP: In the Shadows of the City of Light: Representations of Marginal Paris (Edited Volume)PAMLA encourages our francophone scholars to submit book chapter proposals to a forthcoming scholarly volume, In the Shadows of the City of Light: Representations of Marginal Paris, which will appear in Brill publisher’s series “Francopolyphonies.” This interdisciplinary edited collection of essays will examine how marginal Paris, including particular populations, spaces and practices, has been representedAnnouncement: The Eliud Martínez PrizePAMLA's friends over at the Inlandia Institute are proud to announce that esteemed author Alex Espinoza (Still Water Saints, The Five Acts of Diego León, Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime), as seen above, will serve as judge for the 2022 Eliud Martínez Prize. The Eliud Martínez Prize was established to honor the memory of EliudPAMLA 2022 Call for Special Sessions: Extended DeadlineGeographies of the Fantastic and the Quotidian: PAMLA 2022 Call for Special Sessions PAMLA welcomes special session proposals for the 2022 PAMLA conference at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel in Los Angeles, California (early morning Friday, November 11 through Sunday night, November 13, 2022) on topics of scholarly interest that are not tooPacific Coast Philology Special Issue CFP: “City of God, City of Destruction”Pacific Coast Philology invites submissions for a special issue: “City of God, City of Destruction,” the 2021 theme of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association’s annual conference. On the occasion of PAMLA’s sojourn in Las Vegas – that compendium of human cities and simulacrum of the eternal city – we invited inquiry on literaturesUnderstanding the Holocaust, Genocide, and Mass Violence in the Public Imagination Conference: CFPCall for Proposals: Understanding the Holocaust, Genocide, and Mass Violence in the Public Imagination Conference September 21 – 23, 2022 Metropolitan State University of Denver Call for Papers, Panels, Roundtables, and Presentations Keynote Speakers: Susan Neiman, PhD (Einstein Forum, Germany) Donald Fixico (Shawnee, Sac and Fox, Muscogee Creek and Seminole), PhD (Arizona State University, USA)A PAMLA 2021 Thank You!With PAMLA's 2021 Conference behind us, we want to offer our most profound thanks to so many individuals, groups, and communities for helping us to successfully pull off our first in-person and virtual conference. We'd especially like to thank the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for hosting the conference, and the University of Texas atPAMLA is on YouTube!PAMLA is now live on YouTube! We are so proud of our inaugural digital conference in 2021 that we decided to upload 60+ selected sessions that were recorded during the conference, both live in Las Vegas and through Zoom. If you have any questions about the recorded sessions, or are uncomfortable with having your sessionA PAMLA Tribute: Magdalena DreinertMagdalena Dreinert (University of Warsaw) worked on this paper with great excitement, looking forward to joining the 2021 PAMLA Conference online. She would not be able to go to Las Vegas, the city of her dreams, due to her health condition, which made her experience the hardships of lockdown decades before the world had heardPAMLA 2021 Virtual Conference FAQPAMLA 2021 Whova FAQs and Q&A Items Q1: Do I and all of my panelists really have to sign up for Whova to participate in the virtual sessions? A1: Yes, you do. Go here to sign up and encourage your panelists to do the same asap. And please use this email when you sign upPAMLA 2021: Live Streaming Thursday and Friday Events!Are you, like me, unable to attend the PAMLA 2021 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada? Are you, like me, bummed that you cannot see your favorite PAMLA special event? Well, we got you covered. PAMLA is proud to announce that we will be livestreaming seven of our special conference events online through Whova and YouTube!21 Unsolicited Pieces of Advice for Novice PAMLA Conference Attendees/Presenters21 Unsolicited Pieces of Advice for Novice PAMLA Conference Attendees/Presenters A lot of this year’s PAMLA conference is online. So, whether you are attending PAMLA 2021 in-person, or virtually, or both, you will need to create a Whova account to access our virtual events and sessions, and probably download the Whova app. Otherwise, you’ll bePAMLA 2021 Goes Live on Whova!PAMLA is proud to announce that we are going live for our inaugural virtual conference, which will be taking place between Saturday, November 13 and Sunday, November 14 on our virtual hub, Whova. Whova is our virtual platform that we are using for our conference schedule and portal to all of our virtual sessions. ToPAMLA Presents: A Creative Conversation with John Bowers on Tolkien’s Lost ChaucerPAMLA invites all of its conference attendees to join us for one of many highlights of this year’s PAMLA Conference: “A Creative Conversation with John Bowers on Tolkien’s Lost Chaucer,” which is scheduled for Friday, November 12 (1:40 – 3:10 PM PST) in Congo III/IV at the Sahara Convention Center! You might also be ablePAMLA Presents: Creative Writers SpotlightPAMLA invites all of its conference attendees to join us for the first of many highlights of this year’s PAMLA Conference: the PAMLA 2021 Welcome Event! This year's welcome event is yet another fascinating Creative Writers Spotlight, which is scheduled for Thursday, November 11 (8:45 - 9:45 AM PST) in Congo III/IV at the SaharaPAMLA 2021 ForumPAMLA invites all of its conference attendees to join us for one of the virtual highlights of this year’s PAMLA Conference: the PAMLA 2021 Forum! This year's forum, "How Stories Take Place: Narrative, Community, and Spatial Imagination" is scheduled for Sunday, November 14 (12:20 PM – 2:20 PM PST) on our Whova platform! Our 2021PAMLA Presents: Colin Cloud, The Real Life Sherlock HolmesPAMLA invites all of its conference attendees to join us for one of the virtual highlights of this year's PAMLA Conference: Colin Cloud's "The Real Life Sherlock Holmes," at the Virtual Welcome Event on Saturday, November 13 (11:00 AM - 11:40 AM PST) in Virtual Room 1 on our Whova platform! Colin will deduce everythingPAMLA 2021 Conference ReceptionWe are excited to invite all of PAMLA's in-person conference attendees to our PAMLA 2021 Conference Reception! Please join us for our fabulous, outdoor PAMLA Azilo Reception, at the Sahara's lovely, spacious, outdoor Azilo Ultra Pool (no swimming will take place). Join us for delicious free hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar, plus great conversation,PAMLA Presents: Cities and Simulacra, An Interactive (Comics) DestructionPAMLA invites all of its in-person conference attendees to join us for one of the highlights of this year's PAMLA Conference: Frank Quitely and Laurence Grove's "Cities and Simulacra: An Interactive (Comics) Destruction," on Thursday, November 11 (3:30 PM - 5:00 PM) in Congo III/IV at the Sahara Las Vegas Hotel! Frank Quitely was bornPAMLA Presents: The 118th Annual Presidential AddressPAMLA invites all of its in-person conference attendees to join us for one of the highlights of this year's PAMLA Conference, Martin Kevorkian's Presidential Address, "Deceitful Above All Things: Genres of Conversion and the Heart of the City," on Thursday, November 11 (5:15 PM - 6:25 PM ) in Congo III/IV at the Sahara LasPAMLA Presents: The 118th Annual Plenary AddressPAMLA invites all of its in-person conference attendees to join us for one of the highlights of this year's PAMLA Conference, John Hay's Plenary Address, "The Postapocalyptic Imagination in the American Southwest," on Friday, November 12 (3:20 PM - 4:40 PM) in Congo III/IV at the Sahara Las Vegas Hotel! Our plenary speaker, John Hay,CFP: British Women Writers Conference 2022British Women Writers Conference 2022 May 19-21, 2022 | Baylor University PAMLA's friend, the British Women Writers Association, invites papers and panel proposals for the 2022 British Women Writers Conference (BWWC), interpreting the theme of “Borders” in 18th- and 19th-century British women’s writing. In response to the 2021 BWWC “Reorientations,” panels and papers on topicsPAMLA 2021 Elections2021 PAMLA Election Nominee Statements October 8, 2021 Dear PAMLA members, The time has come for our annual PAMLA elections for new officers of our Executive Committee. If you are current with your PAMLA membership, within the next week you will receive an emailed ballot link to vote for new officers. Your PAMLA ExecutivePAMLA Presents: “Las Vegas, Subverting the Myth”PAMLA is proud to present the special event “Las Vegas, Subverting the Myth”! From “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” to “The Goldfinch” and “Casino” to “The Hangover,” the image of Las Vegas as a low-brow zone of excess, lawlessness, and wild abandon has been firmly established in literature and film. While—like all stereotypes—these popularThe PAMLA Merch Store is Live!PAMLA Merch is back, friends! We are so excited to share these fantastic artistic donations with our community, in the form of cool t-shirts, dad hats, phone cases, mugs, and even (if we may be so bold), home decor accoutrements, including printer posters, clocks, shower curtains, and coasters. Move over IKEA, PAMLA Merch is herePAMLA 2021 ScheduleThe Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) is pleased to announce that our 2021 conference schedule is now live! You can explore the full schedule (; however, it is a tentative schedule, so there still might be a few kinks in the system. It is, after all, a hybrid schedule, one part in-person panelPAMLevents Presents: “The Gimmick as Aesthetic Judgement & Capitalist Form”Cal State LA Department of English presents the David L. Kubal Memorial Lecture, featuring Dr. Sianne Ngai Monday, October 4, 6 p.m. PST (on Zoom; register for free here: The David L. Kubal Memorial Lecture) Cal State LA’s Department of English welcomes Dr. Sianne Ngai (University of Chicago) as the 2021 presenter in our long-runningIn Memoriam: Ron MilandIn Memoriam: Ron Miland By Shefali Rajamannar Ron Miland deeply cared about the environment and all things sciencey, and both loved and lived his favorite lines from Stephen Hawking: “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makesA PAMLA Thank You: Richard SperberPAMLA would like to thank Richard Sperber (Carthage College) for his fantastic service as Pacific Coast Philology Co-Editor from 2016-2021. His insightful contributions as co-editor of Pacific Coast Philology helped to make the journal and our publishing community that much more engaged and rigorous. For your dedicated and thoughtful work on behalf of PAMLA andA PAMLA Thank You: Nanette HiltonPAMLA would like to give a special thanks to Nanette Hilton (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) for providing this year's PAMLA conference theme artwork, which we are keen on using for PAMLA 2021 merch, including masks, tote-bags, and t-shirts! Cheers, Nanette! Nanette Rasband Hilton teaches composition and literature at the University of Nevada, Las VegasPAMLA 2021: Final Call for SubmissionsPAMLA Final Call is Open The PAMLA Conference in November is sure to be a real treat, whether you are going in-person (November 11 and 12, at the Las Vegas Sahara), or participating in the virtual sessions (November 13 and 14, Online). Most sessions are now full and closed, but if you missed our initialPAMLA’s Last Call for 2021 SubmissionsPAMLA's Last Call for paper proposals and submissions is here! Get a submission in by July 31st, or when the sessions fill. The PAMLA November 11-14, 2021 Conference (at the Sahara Las Vegas and Online) will be in-person on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 11 and 12, and online on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 13 andPAMLA 2021 Conference ScholarshipsPAMLA is pleased to announce that our annual conference graduate student scholarship application system is now open for submissions. From now until August 10th, PAMLA graduate student members joining this year's conference (with an accepted abstract) are eligible to apply for the Graduate Student Scholarship and the German Studies Grant. Both applications can be foundPAMLA Statement on Dedication to KindnesssPAMLA Statement on Community Dedication to Kindness, with Expectations for Comportment at Events PAMLA affirms a scholarly community built on respect, a respect that embraces complexity. We strive to recognize together a complexity that fosters dialogue across and within our fields of study; that protects individual freedom while working towards equity andPAMLA 2021 Live From The Sahara Las Vegas HotelWe are proud to announce our partnership with the Sahara Las Vegas Hotel for the 118th annual PAMLA conference in Las Vegas, Nevada this November! For more information, visit our 2021 accommodations page for more info! Make your reservations via this link to receive the special PAMLA rate: [Note: Some Sahara room nights mayPAMLA Lightning Round: Proposals Welcome Until June 30 (Or Sessions Are Filled)For all of our aspiring PAMLA presenters who may have missed the initial abstract submission deadline, don’t fret! We are pleased to announce that we have extended our deadline for a host of open sessions that are still in need of a thoughtful proposal. Step on up, test your mettle, and join us for ourPAMLevents Presents: “Higher Than Flames Will Go”: A Zoom Film ScreeningPAMLevents is featuring a special Zoom film screening on Thursday, April 29th at 4:00pm (PST)/ 7:00pm (EST) of the film festival award-winning film, Higher Than Flames Will Go, presented by PAMLA's own Dr. Peter Schulman, and the Graduate Society for International Studies at Old Dominion University. In this cinematic tour de force, Monique LeBlanc brings“We Have Always Dreamed of (Afro)Futures” with Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas: A National Center for the Study of Children’s Literature LecturePlease join us for our latest PAMLevents online lecture: “We Have Always Dreamed of (Afro)Futures” with Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas: A National Center for the Study of Children's Literature Lecture Thursday, April 14, Noon Pacific Time. Please register ahead of time. We are in a cultural moment where speculative storytelling reigns supreme. In “We HaveSpotlight Art: The Importance of Contemporary Art in Our Daily LivesPAMLevents would like to share an exciting event sponsored by Old Dominion University, and hosted by PAMLA's own Peter Schulman (Professor of French and International Studies): Spotlight Art: The Importance of Contemporary Art in Our Daily Lives, Monday, April 12 from 4:10- 7 PM (PST). Dr. Schulman will be joined by Brooklyn artist Sacha Zabotin;Pacific Coast Philology Outstanding Article Award (2020)On behalf of PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Award Committee, we are pleased to announce the winner of PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Outstanding Article Award for 2020: Leila Silvana May’s “All the Reflected Light We Cannot See: (Ghastly) Mirror Imagery in Victorian Fiction” (Volume 54, Issue 2, 2019; in the “Ways of Seeing: Visuality, Visibility, andWelcome to PAMLevents!PAMLA is excited to announce that we are branching out in exciting ways online with our new PAMLA Events Page (PAMLevents), where we will advertise events, virtual or in-person, that are sponsored or co-sponsored PAMLA, or sponsored by friends of PAMLA. On this new PAMLevents page (which is up in our main menu bar above),PAMLevents Presents: “On the New Native American Literature Renaissance”PAMLevents would like to invite our PAMLA community to join the Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry (D-Phi) and award winning authors Dr. Brandon Hobson and Dr. David Heska Wanbli Weiden for their March 31 talk entitled, "On the New Native American Literature Renaissance." Whether it be the Irish literary revival at the end of the“Unhappily Ever After: When Fairytales End Badly”: A National Center for the Study of Children’s Literature LectureWe are kicking off our new PAMLevents project by inviting you to join a National Center for the Study of Children's Literature Lecture. The lecture will take place on March 18th, starting at 12 pm PST. Folklorist, poet, and scholar Neil Philip will deliver his lecture titled "Unhappily Ever After: When Fairytales End Badly"; the“Promised Land, Hallowed Ground”: A PAMLA-ISLA EventWe are kicking off our new PAMLevents project by inviting you to join the Institute for the Study of Los Angeles (ISLA) and Occidental College's Scholar in Residence, Alison Rose Jefferson, M.H.C., Ph.D., for a March 20 symposium titled "Promised Land, Hallowed Ground: Commemorative Justice and Making Change in Community Heritage Preservation in Southern California."PAMLA 2021: CFPs for Abstracts Open!PAMLA is officially kicking off its annual call for papers, with abstracts due by April 15. This November, we will be offering virtual sessions, which you can search for today, alongside important deadlines, membership details and conference fees. Top tip: when you log in and enter the Call for Papers portal, remember that you havePAMLA 2021 Special Session Deadline ExtensionFrom PAMLA HQ, we all would like to send out our happy new year wishes across the world to you and yours! Indeed, we hope that this new year can usher in a healthier, safer, and more encouraging year for PAMLA, our members, and our many communities in need. With that being said, we wouldPAMLA DonationsSome friends of PAMLA asked if they could donate to PAMLA's General Fund during these difficult times via a Paypal donation. And after a bit of research, we have a yes for you all! If you can, please donate via our donation, membership, and registration Website, since that helps us to keep the best records.Thank-You to Roswitha BurwickThe PAMLA Executive Board and General Members would like to offer our our deepest gratitude and thanks to Roswitha Burwick for ten years of dedicated service as editor of our beloved Pacific Coast Philology journal. The job of PCP co-editor is a very difficult, thankless, and essential volunteer role that has truly helped the PAMLAWelcome to PAMLA’s New WebsiteWe are proud to present our new PAMLA website. Our address remains the same, but as you will notice, we are working on a new, more user-friendly and helpful PAMLA website. If you have any questions or comments, email PAMLA Executive Director Craig Svonkin ([email protected]) and Assistant Director David Boyd ([email protected]).Job Search: University of Portland Ethnic Studies PositionThe University of Portland is conducting a search for a full-time, tenure-track associate or professor rank faculty position in ethnic studies, beginning in fall 2021 (see full description at website link below). The successful candidate will lead the formation and establishment of a new ethnic studies undergraduate major and minor that works across disciplines. WeA Podcast of InterestWe at PAMLA headquarters were excited to receive an email from Gabriel Rodriguez, a student at the University of Redlands, fan of Latinx and Latin American literature, and the creator of his own interesting podcast, "On the Road to Joy & Freedom." Rodriguez had read an essay published in our journal, Pacific Coast Philology, and thought itAn Important Letter from PAMLA Executive Director Craig SvonkinDear Friend of PAMLA, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. I write to request your help. The PAMLA Board made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone the 2020 PAMLA conference until November of 2021. It was the right decision, but as a result our membership numbers and finances havePAMLA Announcement: Conference Postponed Until 2021Dear PAMLA Friends and Members, In order to protect our members during the current pandemic, the PAMLA Board has voted to postpone the PAMLA conference until the fall of 2021. This was not an easy decision to make, but the health and safety of our members is the most important thing. As a result, weElection Results (2020): Congrats to All!The PAMLA community would like to congratulate all our election winners and wish them well in their new posts! We'd also like to thank all of our members who participated in the election including our nominees, Nomination Committee, and of course, our voters! We'd also like to give a round of applause to the 2019Call-For-Special Sessions [Postponed]: PAMLA 2021 Conference (Las Vegas, Nevada)PAMLA 2021 LAS VEGAS: “CITY OF GOD, CITY OF DESTRUCTION” (TBD, November 2021) Please propose your special sessions to by December 31, 2020. Please take a look at the bottom of this page* for a list of General/Standing Sessions, and be sure your special session proposal does not replicate the topics of PAMLA’s General/Standing 2019 Pacific Coast Philology AwardOn behalf of PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Award Committee, we are honored to inform our community that there were two winners of PAMLA’s Pacific Coast Philology Outstanding Article Award for 2019: Jeremiah B.C. Axelrod’s “Mutiny… Freedom of Travel ResolutionPresident Donald J. Trump initiated Executive Order 13780 on March 6, 2017, restricting the citizens of six Muslim-majority nations including Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entry into the United States of America…