Graduate Student Scholarship Fund

GRAD STUDENT scholarship

Thanks to the generous donations of many PAMLA members, we are able to offer a number of scholarships to select graduate students presenting papers at the annual conference. Unfortunately, we have to turn down a good number of applicants for this award every year, due to a lack of donations; so please consider making a donation to help a graduate student to attend our annual PAMLA conference.

In the past awards have ranged between $60 and $120. Applicants must be current members of PAMLA at the time of application.

How to Apply?

Participants can apply for this award by July 31 via the site (click on the Scholarships tab, and follow the directions from there). Awards will be announced by the end of August, but will not be awarded until after the conference itself. Participants must be a current graduate student in an MA, MFA, or PhD program.

How to Donate?

You may donate to the Graduate Student Scholarship Fund today through our online payment portal.

In addition to donating to the PAMLA Grad Student Scholarship Fund via (log in and then click on Donate), you may send checks (made out to PAMLA) to PAMLA, P.O. Box 461245, Denver, CO 80246 (please put “Grad Student Fund” in the check’s note, and indicate your name, address, and email address). Alternatively, donations may be made via PayPal:

  • Log in to PayPal and then search for PAMLA via (using the Send Money option).
  • Note which fund you wish to donate to (“Grad Student Scholarship Fund”) in the memo line below.
  • For the recipient’s name, type “PAMLA.
  • When you are ready to donate, click on the “Donate to a Friend” option, so as to avoid any additional fees or charges.