PAMLA would like to thank Richard Sperber (Carthage College) for his fantastic service as Pacific Coast Philology Co-Editor from 2016-2021. His insightful contributions as co-editor of Pacific Coast Philology helped to make the journal and our publishing community that much more engaged and rigorous. For your dedicated and thoughtful work on behalf of PAMLA and Pacific Coast Philology we thank you so very much, Richard. Cheers!
Richard Sperber is Associate Professor of German and Spanish at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Washington, and he has taught at Gonzaga University and Carthage College, where he has served as Chair of Modern Languages. His research interests include colonialism, the Spanish Civil War, and contemporary literature. He is the author of The Discourse of Flanerie in Antonio Muñoz Molina’s Texts (2015). Other publications include essays on primitivism and colonialism in early twentieth-century German popular fiction. Currently, he is working on informal social networks and friendship in colonial societies.