PAMLevents would like to invite our PAMLA community to join the Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry (D-Phi) and award winning authors Dr. Brandon Hobson and Dr. David Heska Wanbli Weiden for their March 31 talk entitled, “On the New Native American Literature Renaissance.”
Whether it be the Irish literary revival at the end of the nineteenth century or the Harlem renaissance in the early twentieth century, the history of literature has always been shaped by transformative moments that give expression to new voices. This event will explore the characteristics and themes of a burgeoning movement in American literature. Join us for a conversation moderated by Dr. Erika Wurth, author and scholar of Native American Literature. Participate in the event with your own questions and comments. It’s online, free, and open to all. We will see you there live on March 31, 6:00pm (MST)!
BRANDON HOBSON is the author of Where the Dead Sit Talking, which was a finalist for the National Book Award, Winner of the Reading the West Award, and longlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award. His new novel, The Removed, is just out from Ecco. He has won a Pushcart Prize, and his fiction has appeared in McSweeney’s, Conjunctions, NOON, American Short Fiction, and elsewhere. Hobson is an assistant professor of creative writing at New Mexico State University and also teaches in the low-res MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. He is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.
DAVID HESKA WANBLI WEIDEN, an enrolled citizen of the Sicangu Lakota Nation, is the author of the novel Winter Counts (Ecco, 2020), nominated for the 2021 Edgar Award for Best First Novel by the Mystery Writers of America and winner of the 2021 Spur Award for Best Contemporary Novel by the Western Writers of America. The novel was a New York Times Editors’ Choice, main selection of the Book of the Month Club, and named a Best Book of 2020 by NPR, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and other magazines. He lives in Denver, Colorado, with his family.